This online training course will provide Family and MWR team members with an overall understanding of credit card utilization in Family and MWR Operations as well as the multiple online tools used to review and manage authorizations. 

Target Audience: All Family and MWR employees at all levels of the organization who work with credit cards in Family and MWR operations.

Course Objectives:

  1. Relate the importance of accepting credit cards to Family and MWR operations and explain the credit card authorization process.
  2. Access and use ClientLine to view settlements and utilize the Dispute Manager to manage chargebacks. 
  3. Access and use Card Pointe to manage transactions, add tips, and close transactions that have been reauthorized but not settled.
  4. Access and use the Amercian Express Merchant Portal to monitor and manage disputes and monitor transaction authorizations and settlements.

Duration: Approximately 2 hours