The United States Government has requested me to grant, release, and discharge to it certain rights (hereinafter more fully set forth), arising from my participation in a particular production (be it motion picture film or video, telecast, television production, still photography or filmstrip), to be made by or produced by the United States Government.

This grant, release and discharge of said rights to the United States Government is made freely in full cognizance of the risks inherent in the operational techniques employed in the production, including, but not limited to, the focusing of lights upon me; and in contemplation of the reliance by the United States Government upon the rights herein granted and released.  It is made for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is fully acknowledged.

I hereby grant and release to the United States Government the following rights:

a.   To use my name, photograph, likeness, acts, poses, plays, and appearance made in connection with the said production in any manner; to record, reproduce, amplify, simulate, filter or otherwise distort my voice and all instrumental, musical, and other sound effects produced by me; to reproduce, duplicate, publish, exhibit, use or transmit the same or any parts thereof, by any means, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever; and to use the same perpetually.

b.   The right to double or dub my voice, acts, poses, plays and appearances, and all instrumental, musical and/or other sound effects produced by me to such an extent as may be desired by the United States Government.

c.   The release and discharge of the United States Government from any cause of action whatsoever nature arising from my participation in the production.

This voluntary grant and release will not be made the basis of future claim of any kind against the government.

This grant, release, and discharge shall inure to the benefit of the United States Government, and its officers, agents, servants, and employees when acting in their official capacities; to persons, firms, or corporations contracting with the Government, and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns; and to any persons lawfully reproducing, distributing, exhibiting, or otherwise using the said production or any portion thereof.

Printed Name: __________________________ Signature:  _________________________

Printed Name                                                    Signature

of Witness:      __________________________ of Witness: _________________________




We, the Undersigned have read the GENERAL RELEASE on the reverse side and affix our signatures below.

1.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

2.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

3.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

4.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

5.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

6.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

7.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

8.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

9.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

10.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

11.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

12.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

13.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

14.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

15.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

16.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

17.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

18.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

19.  _________________________________  ___________________________________

(PRINTED NAME)                                                                              (SIGNATURE)

20.  _________________________________  ____________________________________